jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

Could the earth be controlled by robots?

                                                      Could the earth be controlled by robots?
                                                             Four Generations of Robots

Do you think that a robot can ever compete with a man in intelligence? Well, Hans Peter Moravec does. A professor at Carnegie-Mellon University. Moravec made his first robot when he was 10 years old. He believes that there will be four generations of robots before man can create a thinking robot.

     The first generation of robots will have the intelligence of a reptile and will only be able to do manual chores, as handle objects or clean things. This will be by 1999.

     The second generation (2000-2010) of robots will have the brain power of lower mammals. These machines will be able to be trained and to respond to signals.

By the third generation, which will come in 2010-2020, robots will be able to use imagina- tion. They will be as smart as a monkey and will have the capacity of imitating.

      Finally, in the fourth generation, there will be robots with human-like intelligence accor- ding to Professor Moravec (2020-2030).

     And then? Moravec thinks that perhaps robots will start to reproduce themselves and the human race will be relegated to a second place... What do you think?                       

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